Welcome new poor! Do not be discouraged about your recent financial status. This blog will help you maintain that expensive lifestyle, but without the expense. In acquiring your new social status of new poor you will have to give up a few things, such as your dignity. Every now and again you will have to swallow your pride and do something you never thought you would ever do, or have looked down upon others for doing.
However, you should not feel embarrassed or ashamed. There is no judgment here. Look as this time in your life as a lesson in humility. Monica Baldwin, the British writer and nun, once said “what makes humility so desirable is the marvelous thing it does to us; it creates in us a capacity for the closest possible intimacy with God.” I say suck it up, because your now a broke ass bitch.
For those of you who are not familiar with the concept of new and old poor I shall explain. Due to the economic recession a substantial percentage of society has now become poor, hence the phrase “new poor.” This poverty-stricken lifestyle is new to these people; therefore, they have not yet acquired the knowledge and skills to live in such a depressing and harsh atmosphere.
This brings me to the clever and dexterous “old poor.” Old poor have always been broke, and have adapted well to this environment after years of poverty. Their shame, dignity, and pride have been stripped away long ago. They know how to survive under the harshest conditions. It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia focuses on this social crisis in Season Five Episode Three: The Great Recession. If you have never seen this show, I suggest catching it on FX (FYI: Since you can no longer afford to go out, television will become your new form of entertainment).
New poor do not despair as this blog will give you tips and help you adapt to the world of becoming a cheap bastard. Congratulations, you’re on your way.
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