New poor you probably have a lot of time on your hands; I’m guessing being unemployed is the reason you joined the ranks of our sad broke society. So what better way to spend it then scouring Craigslist for free items? Anything and everything is posted on this free site, and items can range from furniture to fire wood. For us old poor it is natural instinct to want to take anything that is free, and new poor you will develop this instinct as well, but you must fight it.
Just collect the free items that can be re-posted and sold on Craigslist. Furniture is your best bet. Yes this can be time consuming, but what else do you have to do? Once you make your first sale and earn money for basically doing nothing, you will find yourself racing out the door to be the first person to respond to that curb alert.
Aspire to become those rich bastards who just toss their stuff aside because they have too much money and too little time to deal with it. But in the meantime…happy hunting.
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