Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Shopping at Goodwill

Goodwill is awesome. It basically has anything you could ever need, and super cheap. Furniture, clothes, books, toys, kitchen supplies...anything and everything! Sometimes I'll just stop by my local Goodwill just to see what crazy crap is being sold that day.

Goodwill even has online shopping...yes online shopping. You don't even have to leave your house and suffer the embarrassment of running into your neighbor who of course is donating and not shopping.

Now cheap bastards like us never donate, but instead find some way to peddle and sell our secondhand shit. However, if you absolutely cannot find a way to sell that Ed Hardy trucker hat (shocker) or food encrusted George Foreman grill you can donate it to Goodwill.

Before you freak out and accuse me of committing the ultimate sin, you will get something out of doing this good deed (I mean otherwise whats the point, right?). Request a receipt when you make a donation and it can be written off your taxes. While its not much, it is better then looking like a douche when you try and work that Ed Hardy trucker hat back into your wardrobe.

Find your local Goodwill location

Monday, October 4, 2010

Stealing Toilet Paper from Public Restrooms

Yes, toilet paper. You can always be a cheap bastard, even when it comes to the necessities. I had a friend who did not buy toilet paper once during his entire four years at college. Rather than buy toilet paper he stole it from the public restrooms around campus. Don’t pass judgment on me new poor, do you really want to be in the position where you have to choose to wipe your ass or pay your mortgage? At least now with my old poor wisdom you don’t have to.
Toilet paper is obviously easy to come across and you can find it in places such as the mall, public library, or your local bar while flirting for free drinks (multi-tasking is impressive new poor, but just ease into your pathetic new lifestyle one step at a time). Remember, if you’re going to take toilet paper make sure to have a big enough purse, backpack etc. to fit the roll into and slip away unnoticed. If you can fit an industry size roll into your bag, you’re set for at least the next six months.
Now here we do not pass judgment, but I’m not going to lie your friends will. So next time your entertaining and your guests question why an enormous roll of toilet paper is sitting on the back of your toilet, explain that it’s new environmentally friendly toilet paper. If they continue to question you, cut them off quickly and question them on their actions to protect the environment.  This should end the discussion quickly as your guest will feel the need to brag about how they drive a Prius, or some other rich do-gooder crap. Accusing someone of not caring about the environment has become the new race card. It instantly makes everyone around you uncomfortable, and the accused always feels the need to defend themselves. Either way it gets the attention off of you and your giant roll of (free) toilet paper.

Louis CK on Being Broke

Shopping at Walmart

I don't want to sound like a snob, but everyone knows the freakshows and crazies that shop at Walmart. There is an entire website dedicated to it (http://www.peopleofwalmart.com/)! Anyone who isn't used to scrimping and saving probably has never been to a Walmart, or if they did go once have never returned again.

Well new poor I hate to say it, but your going to have suck it up and start shopping at Walmart. While it may be a breeding ground for rednecks, trash, and illegal Hispanics it does have great prices and savings.

So don't be depressed that you now have something in common with these people, embrace your new poor status and give that senior citizen greeter a big hello. Just don't let yourself go and wind up on the Internet.

Flirting for Free Drinks

Poor people need a social life to, even if they can’t afford it. Warning: this old poor practice will cost you at least one drink and there is not a 100% guarantee that it will always work. Whether it works or not is up to you, and women tend to get the best response using this technique. New poor this is where you will leave your dignity at the door.
Go to a bar or club and proceed to buy a cheap drink. When your drink is about halfway gone, look around and find the most unattractive person in the bar. Briefly acknowledge to yourself the depressing hell your life has become, and go strike up a conversation with targeted fug. This is where your flirting and bullshit skills come into play. New poor, if you lack these talents let me remind you that practice makes perfect.
Act as though the targeted fug is the most interesting person in the world, and OMG you guys have so much in common! I love your Sanskrit tattoos, tell me more about Buddhism in the 15th century! It’s quite impressive you can recite hundreds of quotes from Star Trek. No of course you’re not overweight just curvaceous like Marilyn Monroe. Yes, I’m gay.
 Now if you are not good at lying through your teeth, engaging them in conversation and smiling and nodding will usually get you through it. The target is often so amazed that someone is even talking to them, that they tend to babble on about these god awful subjects without any response from you. As this is occurring you quickly down your drink, which you don’t really have to think about as it is a natural response.
If the targeted fug has any manners, and in today’s society that is about a 50/50 chance, they will see your empty drink and offer to buy you another. You should continue to be tortured by this person’s company for at least five minutes after the drink has been acquired. If you think you can put up with their company stick around and have them buy you drinks all night. Otherwise, move on and repeat.
Flirting with the bartender when they come around to your side of the bar is always a good backup plan. You can often times score a few free shots out them. This usually only works with male bartenders, as almost all guys are suckers.
You may ask yourself, am I really that desperate for a drink that I would flirt with losers all night? Given that the harsh realities of your financial situation and social status have finally hit you at this moment, yes…yes you are that desperate for a drink. Cheers!

Collecting Free Stuff on Craigslist

New poor you probably have a lot of time on your hands; I’m guessing being unemployed is the reason you joined the ranks of our sad broke society. So what better way to spend it then scouring Craigslist for free items? Anything and everything is posted on this free site, and items can range from furniture to fire wood. For us old poor it is natural instinct to want to take anything that is free, and new poor you will develop this instinct as well, but you must fight it.
Just collect the free items that can be re-posted and sold on Craigslist. Furniture is your best bet. Yes this can be time consuming, but what else do you have to do? Once you make your first sale and earn money for basically doing nothing, you will find yourself racing out the door to be the first person to respond to that curb alert.
Aspire to become those rich bastards who just toss their stuff aside because they have too much money and too little time to deal with it. But in the meantime…happy hunting.

Stealing Your Neighbors Internet

Canceling your cable and Internet is one way to help save money, but running to Starbucks and Panera Bread every time you want to check your email is a pain. Plus, in order to use said Internet you have to buy something which completely defeats the entire purpose of trying to save money. So...steal your neighbors Internet.